
    Media Inquiries

    Jaime McClennen


    ABIM Foundation Recognizes Scholarship on Medical Professionalism

    The ABIM Foundation has awarded the John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize to five scholarly articles – one commentary and four research pieces – that explore physician burnout, unprofessional behavior and integrity in research.

    8 Organizations Named Winners of ‘Trust Practice Challenge’ by ABIM Foundation

    The ABIM Foundation recognized eight organizations for substantial contributions to building trust, which the Foundation considers the backbone of patient, physician and health care system relationships.

    Increasing Trust in Health Care is a New Imperative

    With numerous reports that public trust in established institutions like government and media continues to decline, the ABIM Foundation has launched an initiative to ignite a national conversation about trust in health care.

    ABIM Foundation Launches Trust Practice Challenge

    The Trust Practice Challenge is open to anyone in health care, and seeks examples of existing practices that clearly build or rebuild trust.

    2018 Value Challenge Winners Announced

    Winners of the 2018 Value Challenge, a national search aimed at recognizing the most promising ideas to improve the safety, experience and affordability of American health care.

    ABIM Foundation Joins Effort to Improve Accuracy, Timeliness of Diagnosis

    The ABIM Foundation has joined a coalition of more than 40 healthcare and patient advocacy organizations to launch a targeted effort to improve the quality of medical diagnosis.

    ABIM Foundation Announces New Officers and Trustee

    The ABIM Foundation announces the appointment of David L. Coleman, MD, to its Board of Trustees, as well as the election of Christine A. Sinsky, MD, as Chair. Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD, becomes immediate Past Chair. The Board also elected Jackie Judd as Vice Chair and David B. Reuben, MD, as Secretary-Treasurer.

    New Grant Will Continue Spread of Choosing Wisely

    The ABIM Foundation has received a third round of funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to continue efforts to promote the implementation of Choosing Wisely.

    ABIM Foundation Recognizes Medical Professionalism Articles Addressing Trust, Transparency and Physician Training

    The ABIM Foundation has awarded the John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize to four scholarly articles that explore opportunities to improve healthcare quality at all levels.

    ABIM Foundation, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Announce Partnership

    ABIM Foundation has teamed up with the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions to expand Choosing Wisely throughout the Alliance's network of business coalitions, which represents more than 12,000 purchasers and 45 million Americans.