Medical Students’ Experiences with Trust and Medical Misinformation

Medical Students’ Experiences with Trust and Medical Misinformation

The winners of the AMSA-ABIM Foundation Building Trust Essay Contest – Molly Fessler, Isra Hasnain, Meher Kalkat, and Elina Kurkurina – share their firsthand experiences with medical misinformation and rebuilding trust in health care followed by a dynamic conversation led by Marianne Green.

Full essays can be read here.


The winners of the AMSA-ABIM Foundation Building Trust Essay Contest – Molly Fessler, Isra Hasnain, Meher Kalkat, and Elina Kurkurina – share their firsthand experiences with medical misinformation and rebuilding trust in health care followed by a dynamic conversation led by Marianne Green.

Full essays can be read here.
