ABIM Foundation Focus – Fall 2016
December 8, 2016
Creating Value Challenge
The ABIM Foundation and Costs of Care kicked off the Creating Value Challenge on November 2. Entries will be accepted through January 24, 2017.
The Creating Value Challenge is a call for innovative ideas and projects for teaching and implementing high-value care among collaborative teams of clinicians, educators, quality improvement specialists and health system administrators.
Health care professionals from any discipline and level of training are invited to submit short abstracts that describe either a project they have already implemented or an idea for a project they believe could deliver better care at a lower cost.
Winners will be announced in March 2017 and will be invited to present their winning ideas or innovations at the Association of American Medical Colleges Integrating Quality (AAMC IQ) Meeting June 8–9, 2017, near Chicago. Costs of Care along with The Leapfrog Group will jointly recognize health systems that contribute five or more submissions to the Challenge.
Reflecting on the 2016 Foundation Forum
The summary of the 2016 Foundation Forum: The Value of Co-Creation in Health Care is available for download on our website. The summary highlights the rich conversations that took place at the meeting and provides a number of examples of co-creation in action.
In “Choosing Wisely: A Co-Creation Experience?” Daniel Wolfson ponders whether more could have been more done to “co-create” Choosing Wisely at the campaign’s inception.
Latest News in Professionalism
In August, JAMA Internal Medicine launched a new JAMA Professionalism section. The goal of this new series is to “help physicians fulfill required competencies on this topic.” The new section of the journal will feature scenarios where physicians face professionalism challenges and what steps they took to overcome them, as well as how professionalism factors into medical decision-making.

Foundation Focus
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